We all look at past photos and become inspired. This time, my own photo inspired me. I had to think to myself, “Damn, I had it going on.” In this particular photo I was at my dream job as I was mentored by none other than Cheryl Jennings, in less than 5 minutes during a behind the scenes tour for Lend A Hand Foundation
. It has stuck with me all this time.
At one point I thought I had it in this field. But, yet, I don’t….I can admit that. It’s funny how situations will humble you. I’m here for learning along the way and am open to receive any advice, critique and constructive criticism given. Y’all don’t know how many times I’ve wanted to give up on this career. My minor has been Deaf Studies; even then, I second-guessed that.
I feel the disappointment that I should be further along than I am. However, I revel in the moments when I’m able to inspire myself. I have been doing that lately.
I will indulge in it while I can. And, this picture inspires me.
So, here goes to me and my future career.
I’m holding myself accountable. Whatever God has for me, I will eventually realize IT'S FOR ME!
I’m holding myself accountable. Whatever God has for me, I will eventually realize IT'S FOR ME!
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