My outpatient surgery went well yesterday, praise God.
I spent the last two weeks crying & worrying enough about it so much that on the actual day of surgery, I was pretty calm. I didn’t really cry like I thought I would. The night before, my mom prayed over me (as I sobbed out of fear) and the morning of, my brother, Jr, sent me a prayer via text. After that, I was just chillin and counting down the hours.
I spent the last two weeks crying & worrying enough about it so much that on the actual day of surgery, I was pretty calm. I didn’t really cry like I thought I would. The night before, my mom prayed over me (as I sobbed out of fear) and the morning of, my brother, Jr, sent me a prayer via text. After that, I was just chillin and counting down the hours.
I spent my morning writing in my kids’ journals, watching Wendy Williams and salivating at my mom’s meatballs and rice that sat in my fridge for later. Of course, our bodies crave what we can’t have. But once I got to the surgery center I was okay with what they had to do. It also helped a lot that Kindra was there keeping my mind off of the unknown as we sat and chatted in the waiting room. When they called my name, I 'chucked her the deuces' and strolled in the back like it was nothing. It kept me sane.
My cousin, Coco, made a joke to me the night before that I should do the cabbage patch down the long-dreaded hallway on the way to the surgery room. So as I was being wheeled down there with IV in arm, hospital gown on with my backside exposed and that fashionable, blue surgical cap, I giggled to myself as I pictured myself doing the cabbage patch while lying on that gurney. Trust, the visual was funny enough. Thanks for that, Coco!

And that is when it happened. I actually felt God’s presence in the room. Although I couldn’t see Him, I felt Him standing at the head of the bed, and I felt Him put his hands on my shoulders as I passed out. I remember thinking to myself (before I actually passed out), Wowwww, He really IS in this room! THAT IS HIM!!! It's like I silently heard Him there.
I knew He was there because I felt Him. I wanted to turn my head and look at Him, but I couldn't. I immediately was put at ease with the touch to my shoulders and went to sleep.
I knew He was there because I felt Him. I wanted to turn my head and look at Him, but I couldn't. I immediately was put at ease with the touch to my shoulders and went to sleep.
I have never denied God’s power. How could I? He deals with me sooo much, specifically in my dreams.
But I was at peace and knew I had nothing more to worry about.
That peace and comfort felt soooooo good! (And, NO, it wasn’t just the drugs….LOL).
That peace and comfort felt soooooo good! (And, NO, it wasn’t just the drugs….LOL).
But I felt it. I know I did.
God is so awesome and I don’t even deserve it.
Thank you all for your prayers and calls/texts.
I'm recovering well, thank you.