I am very respectful with respecting others’ opinions because I only want the same in return. I know that every post does not deserve a response and I live by that rule.
Nonetheless, when I am passionate about a topic, I speak out on it.
Still, respectfully.
There are few times where I have had to take short sabbatical from speaking my opinion on public forums. I try not to get too emotionally involved, but, still say my piece.
Lately, I’ve noticed a certain news anchor by the name of Terrell Brown out of Chicago being mentioned on my news feed with very strong opinions about entertainment news. He unprofessionally made some statements about an artist. I responded to the video then moved on.
He also amateurishly responded to a fight video in a deli and a wedding video where the groomsman knocked over a bridesmaid. He had strong and “sassy” opinions about those two.
I know they’re only reporting based on what’s on the prompter, but he also adds his own commentary at the end of each segment.
Fine, that’s his right. ABC 7 obviously don’t mind.
With this whole #SandraBland case, he popped up in my news feed again. But what pissed me off about it, is when he reported on her story, he was so hush-hush with nothing more to say. And this time, he asked for public opinions on his social media page!
I just watched several clips of you bumping your gums against things that have no weight on the world and its corrupted state, but this one, you have nothing to say?
I find that cowardly.
Journalists are supposed to report news in an unbiased method. I don’t hold anyone accountable when they veer from that. But, I will hold you accountable when you seem to do it on a regular, but have nothing to say when it really matters?!?
Now, suddenly, you wanna be professional?
That’s exactly what I told him.
I also expressed my displeasure with him having nothing more to say on the Sandra Bland case and how he left it up to many people who don’t have the platform that he has to make a difference.
Oddly, my comment was deleted.
I feel like I was respectful enough. Yet, he still deleted my comment that held him accountable.

I do not respect journalists that do their job ineffectively. Journalism has always been my passion and career goal so I take it seriously. It angers me when news outlets are subjective and it even makes me question my career at times.
Some of them can be so heartless to people just for a story!
That can’t be me. I refuse.
I’ll be like that journalist that walked off her job saying, "F&^% it, I quit!” before I become conformed to your propaganda.