No, no, I'm not But I do want my kids to have plenty of written letters and words of love and encouragement from me that they can always read at any point in their lives. I'm not sure if I'll share every entry here on my blog but I did want to share this one and possibly inspire someone to do the same.
Dear Calen &Ava (or Cain & Abel as I call them),

I love you two more that you guys will ever know. Y'all bring joy to my life as well as purpose. I'm writing to let y'all know that ever since having y'all, I have done everything in my powers to provide for you two, keep y'all happy, love y'all to the best of my ability and even teach you everything I know that will contribute to you guys being very successful. There is nothing I wouldn't do to keep you happy. It hasn't always been easy and at times I've struggled to make it happen, but the smile on your faces made the sacrifices that I've made all worthwhile. It's my job and my mission to keep y'all happy. Remember that always. I never knew I could ever love so hard and unconditionally until I met you two. And it's like you guys are perfect for me. I couldn't imagine it any other way. It just warms my heart to watch you both grown and build a relationship. Even through the fights, arguments and disagreements, you two are inseparable. Always remember to love each other wholeheartedly.
Calen, it is your job to love and take care of your sister. Show her how a man is supposed to treat a woman and always respect her. She will be a woman one day and she'll remember all the things you taught her.

Mommy loves you both dearly and want nothing more than to see you two happy!